Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Week 7 Work - ACLs

This week the first task was to find and solve bugs related to Access Control Lists referred to as ACLs hereafter. The access control list in simple metaphorical terms would be equivalent to a guest list at a big party. If your name is on the invited guests' list then you may attend the party else you stay out of it :D . So the access control lists basically specify what permissions a user has w.r.t to a particular object. A user may read, write, create, destroy, admin an item depending on the ACL corresponding to that item.

The first one was an already reported bug - #417 whereby the the userbrowser view in the admin section used to crash in case there were any users who had made accounts but not confirmed them via the emails sent to their accounts. This is caused as when a user registers on the wiki, their email address was stored under the "EMAIL_UNVALIDATED" key till they do not confirm the account. Once they confirm it, the email is stored under "EMAIL" key. So the earlier code used to only look for the email under "EMAIL" key while retrieving user info and as such crashed. I changed the code to look first for "EMAIL" and if that does not exist then look for "EMAIL_UNVALIDATED". Here is the commit for that change. Now you might think that where did ACL figure in all this. This is related to ACLs as one of the new ACL views I created this week would have its link from the userbrowser view where all the users would be listed. I'll talk more about that later.

The second bug that I came across was #444 whereby if the user tried to access something which they are not allowed to read (like gatecrashing that party I mentioned ;) ), they would see an error as mentioned in the bug report instead of a proper "Access Denied" page. This happens because somehow the registered 403 error handler does not spring into action in case a 403(AccessDenied) error is raised in this case. I am still working on this issue, you can find the related code reviews here.

Another bug was #445 whereby if a user changed the ACL of an item such that they were no more allowed to read that object, they would receive the error reported in the bug ( I wonder who'd strike their own name off the guests' list :D ). Basically the self.revs object being used there gets its value from the "get_items_last_revisions()" function. This funtion fails to find the item in case the user is not authorized to read it, and hence returned an empty list. This empty list caused the error. Hence I put in a check for empty lists and displayed an AccessDenied Error in such a case using the abort(403) function. The code review is here.

Yet another bug was #446 wherein a user could modify the ACLs of a particular object even if he had just the read and write permission, whereas according to the design only a person with admin rights should be able to do that. In the basic theme this error was caused because there was no check on the user's ACL capabilities before displaying the modify form, or in metaphorical terms there was a guest list defined but there was no one to cross check the people entering the hall. So I added a check for the user, and only if they have admin rights can they access the Modify ACL form. Here is the commit regarding that.

Finally the last bug I worked on was #447 which again like #417 was not directly involved in ACLs but was related to the view I needed for further ACL views. Here the previous developer had not kept in mind that the rev.meta[NAME] attribute would be a list as items can have multiple names and as such it could not be used as a key for a dictionary. So I unrolled the previous complex list comprehension and used for loops instead to take care of the list. Here is the commit regarding that.

Now comes the new views I worked for easy visualization of ACLs. The first one was the User ACL Info view. This view contains the information about ACL capabilities of the user with respect to each item in the wiki. This view can only be accessed by the superuser(s) specified in the wiki configuration through the userbrowser view, in the admin section, where there would be a list containing various information about each user (Ah! Now you see why I solved #417 and #447). The clicking on the item names in the list would take the superuser to the Modify Item page where they could modify the ACL of that item as they liked ( Thats if they had admin rights for that item as per #446 ). The tablesorter js library was used to make an easily sortable table. Here is the code review for that.

The User ACL Info view

Another view that I made was the Item ACL Report. This again can be accessed only by the superuser. Here the superuser will see a list of all items in the wiki and the corresponding  ACLs for each item in the wiki. Also clicking on the item name would take the superuser to the Modify Item view. Tablesorter js was used here too. Also in both new views if the item was nameless item, the Item Id would be shown instead. Here is the code review for that.

Item ACL Report view

In the continuing couple of weeks I would be working on the show Groups view and Group ACL Reports view to enable the superuser to visualize the ACLs and to easily change them.